Trading Platform 40 Weeks PPP
One of the trading platforms that we are working with, is offering the following program for a limited number of clients.
Client will need to provide full LOI, KYC and ATV.
The platform can also trade clients BG’s, SBLC’s and MTN’s
Engagement Process For 40 Week PPP
Full KYC
The CIS of the party is required for our Due Diligence (DD) and compliance
After the DD, you will provide your Bank Details at HSBC where we will need a POF of your funds.
Once both the above are fulfilled satisfactory we will:
Submit our Co. agreement which will identify us or our subsidiary as the trader for the Provider of the 760 Block.
We shall also Submit a second agreement after execution of the first agreement which will be between the subsidiary and HSBC Bank confirming:
HSBC will be the paymaster issuing the bearer’s cheques towards both the entities in their respective accounts.
HSBC will also insure the 760 block to 100% face value in favour of the instrument owner only.
Confirmation of MT760 Block never being Liquidated will be provided by HSBC.
All intermediary details with KYC will be confirmed of total trade pay offs on pro rata Basis to their respective accounts.
Please contact us via mail or contact form.